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• Affiliate Links Disclosure: Many of the links to products and services on this site are affiliate links. This means I receive a commission if you purchase the product or service. In nearly all cases, I personally use the products and services and think they are of the highest quality. In the few cases where I haven't used a specific product or service, I have strong reasons to believe they are high quality. You must always determine if any particular product or service is right for you. Does it fill an important need you have right now? Does the price seem fair? Are you comfortable with the refund policy? • Safety Disclaimer: Many of the activities I describe here on this site involve traveling to outdoors areas and then walking and doing related activities in those areas. As with any activity, there are potential dangers involved. These potential dangers can include, but are not limited to: 1. driving to and from the outdoors area 2. difficult terrain that can result in falls 3. weather extremes, including floods, lightning, rain, snow, and high temperatures 4. animals 5. insects 6. getting lost 7. injury and death You are responsible for your own safety. This requires that you: 1. be fully prepared for contingencies 2. are in good enough physical condition 3. pay attention to where you’re going 4. bring the proper equipment and supplies

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