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Uncle Leo

Karessa, thanks for the comment. We've never been to Fashoda, although we've been by it a couple of times. It must be nice if your going again. If you find the time when you get back we sure would like to hear about your Labor Day weekend adventure. We are always looking for great places to go. You sure are an adventurous soul to be going camping in the heat at 8mo pregnant. Enjoy your trip and stay hydrated.
For anyone who's unfamiliar with this campground it's located off Hwy 50 on your way to Ice House Reservoir in Eldorado County.
Uncle Leo

Karessa Silvers

Found your blog after your posting on Sac Sidetracks. I've been looking for a site that talks about camping w/ kids in northern cali since my family just moved here from LA and we don't know many places around here to go. We're actually headed to Fashoda this labor day weekend and really like that campsite (it's our second time going but I'm also 8 months prego so we'll see how that goes). Can't wait to read more on your blog!

Uncle Leo

Thanks for taking the time to look around my blog. When we need to reserve a campsite we ALWAYS use Reserve America. I plan on becoming an affiliate.

Uncle Leo

Latashagina Ketchens

Found your blog very helpful. I'm planning on taking a camping trip with my two little ones since I just started working for a company that makes reservation for camping trips. I also believe that these links can help people find and make reservations www.reserveamerica.com and recreation.gov

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